Welding, spol s r.o., Topoľčany
Public contractor: Welding, spol. s r.o.
Address: Pod Kalváriou 8/1278, 955 01 Topoľčany
Legal representative:
Ing. Kabát Matej
Ing. Mengyan Ondrej
Person responsible for public procurement: Ing. Ondrej Mengyan
Welding, s.r.o. is the recipient of funds from the government budget, structural funds of the European Union and the Cohesion Fund for the implementation of projects to support research and development, respectively. to support business. In line with the aid intensity, Welding, s.r.o. classifies according to § 7 of Act no. 25/2006 Z.z. on Public Procurement and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended (hereinafter “FTA”) to the category of public procurers, with the obligation to proceed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the FTA. The profile of the public contracting authority is used to provide information on current and performed procurement of goods, services and construction works carried out within projects co-financed from the state budget, the European Union Structural Funds or the Cohesion Fund. When implementing above-limit contracts, it informs about all relevant steps that the public contracting authority performs in the contract process in accordance with §49a paragraph 1 of the Public Procurement Act.